Red Fox 2 - Tabletop CNC milling machine

Carry out 2D and 3D models, and milling projects in wood, technical foam, methacrylate and acrylics, plastics and synthetics, composites, non-ferrous metals, and many other materials.

With a milling power of 800 W | 24.000 rpm, the CNC milling machine is available in two models:

● Size S: 700x500 mm working area.
● Size M: 1.100x750 mm working area.

Distributed in Colombia by Soportec: 
Distributed in Germany by OKM: 
Distributed in the Netherlands by FilRight:

Longitud de la área de trabajo700 mm | 27,5”.
Anchura de la área de trabajo500 mm | 19,6”.
Altura de la área de trabajo150 mm | 5,90”.
Longitud total1.020 mm | 40,1”.
Anchura total845 mm | 33,2”.
Altura total560 mm | 22”.
Peso total60 kg.
Material • Aluminio.
• Acero.
Potencia del motor de fresado800 W | Hasta 24.000 rpm.
Velocidad de avanceHasta 6.000 mm/min.
Sistema de transmisiónTransmisión por husillos de bolas recirculadas en ejes X, Y y Z.
Sensores • Final de carrera inductivo en los ejes X, Y y Z.
• Sistema de detección sensorless de altura de material.
• Detección de accesorio conectado.
• Compatible con sondas de material NPN de 3 hilos.
PrecisiónPrecisión de posicionamiento 0,05 mm en los ejes X e Y y 0,01 mm en el eje Z.
Consumo de energía900W (sin accesorios).
Alimentación eléctrica220-240V AC 50/60Hz. Triple protección eléctrica incluida: Cortocircuito, emisiones EMI y picos de tensión.
Montaje de la máquinaPremontada por partes. El puente viene separado para facilitar la logística. Fácil ensamblaje.
Tipo de motorMotores paso a paso NEMA 23 en todos los ejes, de 1,8 Nm de par.
Software de controlInterfaz de control web integrada en el ordenador interno, se accede desde tablet Android o desde cualquier otro dispositivo con navegador web.
Software preparación trabajos • Inkscape, Aspire, VCarve, Cut2D.
• Compatible con otros programas CAD.
Sistema operativoControl web desde navegador, compatible con cualquier sistema operativo, ordenador o móvil.
Conectividad • Wifi.
• USB.
Sistema de aspiraciónIntegrado. Es necesario añadir un aspirador. Se incluye enchufe SCHUKO inteligente para el aspirador, permitiendo encenderlo y apagarlo desde la interfaz de usuario.
Temperatura de operación+10°C a +50°C.
Dimensiones del embalaje1070 x 885 x 304 mm.
Peso del embalaje≈ 70 kg.
Longitud de la área de trabajo1.100 mm | 43,3”.
Anchura de la área de trabajo750 mm | 29,5".
Altura de la área de trabajo150 mm | 5,90”.
Longitud total1.420 mm | 55,9".
Anchura total1.095 mm | 43,1".
Altura total560 mm | 22”.
Peso total80 kg.
Material • Aluminio.
• Acero.
Potencia del motor de fresado800 W | Hasta 24.000 rpm.
Velocidad de avanceHasta 6.000 mm/min.
Sistema de transmisiónTransmisión por husillos de bolas recirculadas en ejes X, Y y Z.
Sensores • Final de carrera inductivo en los ejes X, Y y Z.
• Sistema de detección sensorless de altura de material.
• Detección de accesorio conectado.
• Compatible con sondas de material NPN de 3 hilos.
PrecisiónPrecisión de posicionamiento 0,05 mm en los ejes X e Y y 0,01 mm en el eje Z.
Consumo de energía900W (sin accesorios).
Alimentación eléctrica220-240V AC 50/60Hz. Triple protección eléctrica incluida: Cortocircuito, emisiones EMI y picos de tensión.
Montaje de la máquinaPremontada por partes. El puente viene separado para facilitar la logística. Fácil ensamblaje.
Tipo de motorMotores paso a paso NEMA 23 en todos los ejes, de 1,8 Nm de par.
Software de controlInterfaz de control web integrada en el ordenador interno, se accede desde tablet Android o desde cualquier otro dispositivo con navegador web.
Software preparación trabajos • Inkscape, Aspire, VCarve, Cut2D.
• Compatible con otros programas CAD.
Sistema operativoControl web desde navegador, compatible con cualquier sistema operativo, ordenador o móvil.
Conectividad • Wifi.
• USB.
Sistema de aspiraciónIntegrado. Es necesario añadir un aspirador. Se incluye enchufe SCHUKO inteligente para el aspirador, permitiendo encenderlo y apagarlo desde la interfaz de usuario.
Temperatura de operación+10°C a +50°C.
Dimensiones del embalaje1500 x 1170 x 350 mm.
Peso del embalaje≈ 100 kg.

Most versatile tabletop milling machine on the market

Red Fox 2 on S size helps you DIY like a PRO. 3-axis movement, robust and affordable, it’s the improved version of our most tested and consolidated CNC milling machine series.

A compact machine with an optimized working area –of 700x500 mm–, thanks to its sleek, inclined design: reduces vibrations and improves stability and robustness, essential for a precise and high-quality result.

A new milling machine with intuitive software that facilitates the work, without the need for a computer and with the freedom to control it remotely from your mobile or tablet via Wi-Fi.

What materials can I mill with Red Fox 2?


Technical foam


Plastics and synthetics


Non-ferrous metals

Discover these projects made with our milling machine.

Manufacture of handicrafts and decoration.

Explore the endless possibilities of 3D carving.

Create corporeal letters and sing projects.

Marking and milling in aluminum and non-ferrous metals.

What’s included in the Red Fox 2 price?

Work table 700x500 mm / S.
Milling motor.
Touch screen (tablet).
Suction tube and foot.
Design and control software.
Technical support.
User manual.
One year warranty.

Maximize your machine’s work rate by equipping it with the best accessories

Boost your business with our flexible financing.
Access Red Fox 2 with no initial investment.

Boost your business with our flexible financing and access Red Fox 2 with no initial investment.

What kind of work can be done with Red Fox 2?

Find out tutorials and projects made with the milling machine on our YouTube channel. 

Discover the ideal CNC milling machine for you

Explore and compare in detail the features, advantages and differences between our Red Fox and Red Fox 2 tabletop CNC milling machines.


Red Fox 2 allows you to carry out all kinds of projects with wood, technical foam, methacrylate and acrylics, plastics and synthetics, composites, aluminium and non-ferrous metals, among others.

The holes in the Red Fox 2 working base allow the use of standard mechanical lashing systems. The machine includes M6 thread tie-downs. You can use the most convenient system for your project (special CNC double belt, screwing, etc).

It operates at 220-240V AC 50/60Hz and there’s also a 110V AC version. Power consumption of 800 W, not counting vacuum cleaner.

Yes, Red Fox 2 complies with all European CE marking regulations. The laser accessory will include an eye protection system.

  • Inductive limit switch on the X, Y and Z axes.

  • Material height sensorless detection system.

  • Connected accessory detection.

It’s convenient to do a daily general cleaning, lubricating the spindles and guides monthly, and changing the milling motor brushes every 2 years (approximately).

The work is prepared in the selected CAD software, saved and sent to the machine from the Nomad Panel web app –through the Wi-Fi network or the USB port– using the tablet incorporated with the machine or from any other device connected to the same network.

The interface is really simple and controls the entire machine, from the axes movement to the loading and jobs launching.

*To use other software, please contact the NomadTech Technical Support team for assistance.

Yes, Red Fox 2 is compatible with the most common CNC software on the market, such as Vectric Vcarve or Aspire, among others.

The accuracy and the repeatability of Red Fox 2 are very high, thanks to the ball screws on all axes. On the X and Y axes there’s a positioning accuracy of 0.05 mm, and 0.01 mm on the Z axis.

It’s a simple process of, maximum, about 15 or 20 minutes.

The Red Fox 2 is assembled and calibrated when delivered. Only necessary placing the bridge on the work table; it’s a simple process of, maximum, about 20 minutes.

You just need some Allen keys.

No, Red Fox 2 generates its own local Wi-Fi network, or it can work from a USB port.

Red Fox 2 works with a web control interface integrated into the internal computer, and is accessed from any Android tablet or any device with a web browser. Generally, programs to generate works are available for Windows; on Macs they can be used through virtual machines, such as VMWare or Parallels. The machine itself is autonomous and doesn’t need a computer.

It’s a diode laser with 5 W real optical output.

The bridge height is 150 mm and the working range on the Z axis is up to 100 mm. That means you can introduce materials up to 150 mm thick.

You can use threaded holes attached to the machine structure with clamps. Being 150 mm high, you can place a t-slot table on top.

The S size working area is 700x500 mm, and the M model is 1,100x750 mm. The material can protrude front and back if larger sizes are required.

The Red Fox 2 structure is made of aluminium and steel, which provides great robustness.

About 60 kg for S size and 80 kg for M size.

Yes, Red Fox 2 helps you take the step to more professional manufacturing, whether in a business or educational setting. Some examples of industries:

  • Carpentry.
  • Cabinetmaking.
  • Training: Vocational training centres and universities.
  • Business customization projects (entrepreneurship).
  • Art, sculpture, modelling.
  • People fond of carpentry and makers.
  • Manufacture of musical instruments, luthiers.
  • Manufacture of educational toys.
  • Repair of home furniture.
  • Interior design studios.
  • Manufacture of personalised signs and signage, printing and advertising montages.
  • Specialised manufacturers of parts and services (B2B).

The loudest element of Red Fox 2 is the milling motor, which can reach 82 dB at maximum revolutions per minute. Depending on the model, the vacuum cleaner can also be another source of noise. We recommend using hearing protection in the workshop.

Yes, but it’s a very abrasive material, so you need to use hardened end mills and a powerful vacuum cleaner to absorb carbon dust effectively. It’s recommended to wear safety clothing, and an air mask, when working near any machine that machines carbon fibre.

Yes, we include tramming mechanisms around both X and Y axis, so it can be fine-tuned with a few screws in a very simple procedure

Yes, we release improved versions with new features and bug fixes.

Red Fox 2 allows the adaptation of different work accessories:

  • Laser engraving accessory: 299 €.
  • Rotary accessory / 4th axis / CNC lathe: 499 €.

Red Fox 2 is compatible with any workshop vacuum cleaner and includes the brush system.

On our website you’ll find a Makita model that fits perfectly, but you can use the one you prefer: 

In accordance with current legislation, the warranty is one year. Additionally, we’ll offer the Nomad Care program with an extended warranty from one to three years.

Would you like to find out more about Ion Plasma?

Contact us and receive a tailor-made recommendation that fits your project’s needs. We’ll be glad to talk to you.

Red Fox 2 CNC modelos

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