Ion Plasma PRO - Plasma cutting machine for metals

Allows you to cut steel, copper, bronze, brass, stainless steel, galvanised steel and other metals up to 15 mm thick.

Largo de trabajo2000 mm
Ancho de trabajo1030 mm
Altura de trabajo80 mm
Largo total2325 mm
Ancho total1360 mm
Alto total390 mm / 1170 mm (con patas)
Corriente de trabajoHasta 45A (GYS CUTTER45CT)
Precisión (en posición)± 0,1 mm
Grosor de corte 15 mm acero / 12 mm acero inox
12 mm aluminio / 8 mm cobre
Materiales de trabajoAluminio, acero, inox., galvanizado, cobre, latón, etc.
Ruido70 dB sin incluir compresor
Consumo de energía<4000W sin incluir compresor
Fuente de alimentación100 - 240V CA, 50-60Hz. Monofásico
Montaje de la máquinaCompletamente ensamblada
Tipo de motorPaso a paso Nema 23
Tipos de archivo.gco, .gcode
SoftwareInkScape, NomadPanel (Incluidos)
Sistema operativoWindows 7 / Mac OS 10.13 y posteriores
ConectividadPuerto USB
EmbalajeCajón de madera paletizado
Garantía1 año
Características especialesArco piloto, THC, sin alta frecuencia

Equip yourself to cut metals in your own workshop

This fast CNC cutting machine, with a working area of 2x1 metres, allows you to fabricate all kinds of projects in a wide variety of metals with unmatched precision. Cut up to 15 mm thick thanks to its plasma inverter of 45 A from the renowned manufacturer GYS.

No specialised technical know-how is needed to get the Ion Plasma PRO up and running, thanks to its software, which is intuitive and easy to use. Ion Plasma PRO comes completely assembled and doesn’t require complex installation.

What metals can I cut with Ion Plasma PRO?

Carbon steel

Stainless steel

Galvanized steel





Explore all of the projects we’ve fabricated with this powerful plasma cutting machine.

Build all kinds of functional and personalized items

Create durable commercial signs

Ideal for producing outdoor installations

Cut with great precision all kinds of machinery parts

What’s included in the Ion Plasma PRO price?

Metal cutting bed with a water bed
Plasma inverter GYS, 45A
Technical support
Cable holder
User manual
Plasma torch
Design and control softwares
Legs structure and laptop holder
Electronics box
One-year warranty

Get the most out of your machine

Is it worth investing in a plasma cutting machine for metals?

The answer is a resounding YES. Recover your investment in a very short time.

What kind of work can be done with Ion Plasma PRO?

Check out our YouTube channel to find out more projects fabricated with this plasma cutting machine. 


There's a Technical Support form on our website to consult these problems and questions about Ion Plasma PRO (you can attach photos and WeTransfer or Google Drive links with videos). 

It's the most direct and fastest way to reach out to the department.

In accordance with current legislation, the warranty is one year. Additionally, we’ll offer the Nomad Care program with an extended warranty from one to three years.

See more details in our Legal Conditions section or contact if you have any questions.

Ion Plasma PRO includes all the programs needed for its operation. You can download them for free from our website and test them before receiving your machine.

You can import the most common design files to Inkscape to generate the G-codes. Files such as .png, .svg, .dxf, .ai or .pdf are supported. For example, you can create your design on AutoCAD, save it as .dxf and then take it to Inkscape to generate the G-codes.

Using the Ion Plasma PRO plugin for Inkscape you can generate the G-codes that, later, are sent into the machine with the control software NomadPanel. 

All software needed to work with Ion Plasma PRO is free for download on our website.

Yes, the metal sheets should fit on the cutting table and be placed correctly to avoid it falling off of the machine. To cut bigger pieces by taking points of references and moving the working area. 

You can get all your spare parts directly from Nomad Technologies’ website. For anything specific, please contact

Yes, there’s a financing system available to you: a technological renting for companies that allows you to finance an amount between 1.500 € and 30.000 €. It's necessary to meet certain requirements to start the financing process, whether it’s self-employed or a company.

If you wish to receive more information and details about this agile and flexible alternative, send us an email to

Would you like to find out more about Ion Plasma?

Contact us and receive a tailor-made recommendation that fits your project’s needs. We’ll be glad to talk to you.

Ion Plasma PRO modelos

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